This Supplement Fixed My Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It can have many causes, including stress, anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalances, and other medical conditions. People who suffer from insomnia often experience difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep for long periods of time. This can lead to fatigue, poor concentration, and irritability during their waking hours.

For years, traditional treatments for insomnia included prescription medications or lifestyle changes such as sleeping in a cool room or avoiding caffeine late in the day. Recently however, dietary supplements have become popular as an alternative treatment option for those struggling with insomnia. One such supplement that has been gaining attention is called melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the body.

It helps to regulate our natural sleep-wake cycle, which is why it has been studied as a potential treatment for insomnia. Studies have found that taking melatonin may help to reduce the time needed to fall asleep and increase total sleeping time. In addition, research suggests that melatonin supplements may also help to improve overall sleep quality.

In my case, I suffered from insomnia for many years before finding relief with melatonin supplements. After experimenting with numerous over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes, nothing seemed to provide me any sort of lasting results until I started taking a nightly dose of 5 mg of melatonin each night before bedtime.

Almost immediately, I noticed an improvement in my sleeping patterns. I was able to fall asleep much faster and stay asleep for longer periods of time without waking up in the middle of the night. My overall sleep quality also improved, which led to better energy levels during the day, less fatigue, and improved focus.

While melatonin has been shown to be very effective in treating insomnia, it is important to note that there can be potential side effects associated with taking melatonin supplements. These may include headaches, dizziness, drowsiness or grogginess upon awakening. It’s also important to speak with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen as some medications may interact poorly with melatonin.

Overall, I believe that melatonin has had a tremendous impact on my sleep quality and I would recommend it to anyone who is struggling with insomnia. While not a miracle cure, it has certainly helped me get back to sleeping through the night without any wakeful nights. If you are considering trying melatonin for your own insomnia, I suggest consulting with your doctor first and then starting at a low dose to see how it works for you.

Hopefully this article has given you some insight into melatonin as an alternative treatment option for insomnia. With proper usage, this supplement can help restore restful sleep and improve overall health. Good luck!


1. O’Brien, C., & Mindell, J. (2017). Melatonin in the Treatment of Insomnia in Adults. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 12(4), 473–479.
2. Mayo Clinic Staff (2018). Insomnia: Treatments and Drugs. Retrieved from 
3. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2020). Melatonin: In Depth Report - Consumer Version. Retrieved from 

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