Niacinamide: The Buzz-Worthy Skin Ingredient You Need to Know About

A woman pumps some face cream onto her hand, her jade roller sitting on the bed beside her

If there's one thing that the beauty world loves, it's an ingredient with some serious buzz. Niacinamide is a known powerhouse in the skincare game, and with good reason. It's been around for decades, but recent developments in skincare technology have made this ingredient more accessible than ever before. From influencers to dermatologists, everyone is talking about niacinamide and how it can help your skin look its best - but what is it, and why is everyone so obsessed with it? Well, if you're looking to get informed on this buzz-worthy ingredient, look no further. Let's get into a deep dive on niacinamide and its many skincare benefits.

What Is Niacinamide?

Niacinamide is an active form of Vitamin B3, also known as nicotinic acid or nicotinamide. It is naturally found in the body and helps with the production of energy from food and the formation of fatty acids and cholesterol. Vitamin B3 is found naturally in foods like eggs, beef liver, tuna, and fortified cereals, but in skincare products, niacinamide helps to regulate sebum production and reduce inflammation. It's also an antioxidant, meaning it can help protect your skin from environmental damage.

Benefits Of Niacinamide 

First and foremost, it can help improve the look of acne-prone skin. It works by reducing the production of sebum (the oil that causes breakouts) without drying out your skin like other topical treatments might do. 

Second, niacinamide can help reduce inflammation and redness in the skin while increasing the production of ceramides. The result is skin that is consistently nice and firm and supple and moist. Whether you have eczema and are looking to reduce the occurrence of flare ups, or you have inflammatory acne and are looking to calm those bumps and pimples, niacinamide has earned a place in your skincare routine. 

Third, niacinamide can even help to even out skin tone. If you’re already using vitamin c, arbutin, or kojic acid in your routine, adding in niacinamide will help to improve the efficacy of these ingredients that are already giving your skin tone a boost.

Addressing Misconceptions About Niacinamide:

Despite its widespread acclaim, niacinamide may still be subject to misconceptions. Let's address and debunk some common myths surrounding this powerhouse skincare ingredient.

Myth 1: Niacinamide Causes Skin Purging

Reality: Niacinamide does not cause purging. Unlike active ingredients like retinoids, niacinamide typically does not trigger an initial worsening of skin before improvement.

Myth 2: High Concentrations Are Always Better

Reality: Higher niacinamide concentrations may lead to irritation and breakouts. The key is finding the right balance for your skin, usually between 4% and 10%.

Myth 3: Niacinamide and Vitamin C Cannot Be Used Together

Reality: Niacinamide and vitamin C can be used together. Research indicates that they can complement each other when formulated correctly. Look for products with this combination for enhanced skincare benefits.

By dispelling these misconceptions, you can feel empowered in making informed decisions about your skincare routine.

The Sweet Spot 

When using niacinamide products there is a “sweet spot” that you should be aware of – too little won't do much for your skin while too much may cause irritation or breakouts due to its exfoliating effect on the outer layer of your skin. The generally recommended amount is between 4% - 10%. My suggestion would be to start off with a low concentration (4%) product and work your way up depending on what works best for you and your individual needs/skin type. 

There are various studies that have been done throughout the years where they showed that concentrations with as little as 2% niacinamide did decrease oil production - more is not more with this ingredient. Putting on a super high concentration can, in fact, cause your face to just blow up. Anything above 5% is probably overkill. More often than not, higher levels of niacinamide can cause inflammation, irritation, and breakouts - all of the things that, at the right dosage level, it can actually treat. So, don’t automatically think that a higher percentage is automatically better.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

To fully harness the benefits of niacinamide, it's crucial to avoid common mistakes. These may include using too high a concentration, combining niacinamide with incompatible products, or neglecting to patch-test new formulations. By steering clear of these pitfalls, you can ensure a harmonious and effective skincare routine.

1. Using Too High a Concentration:

More isn't always better. Excessive niacinamide concentration may lead to irritation, inflammation, and breakouts. Stick to the recommended 4% - 10% range to achieve optimal results without overwhelming your skin.

2. Combining with Incompatible Products:

Certain skincare ingredients may not play well together. Avoid combining niacinamide with ingredients that could cause interactions, such as vitamin C at very high concentrations. Research and understand the compatibility of your skincare products to prevent adverse reactions.

3. Neglecting Patch Testing:

Introducing new niacinamide formulations without patch testing can be risky. Perform a patch test on a small area to check for any adverse reactions before incorporating it into your entire routine.

Product Recommendations 

Best for Anti-Aging

Paula's Choice Resist 10% Niacinamide Booster

For those looking for a comprehensive anti-aging serum, Paula's Choice Resist 10% Niacinamide Booster ($49) is an excellent option. It's formulated with 10% niacinamide plus peptides and antioxidants to help protect the skin from environmental damage and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The additional panthenol in this product (vitamin b5) also helps to reduce trans epidermal water loss and is a nice complement to the ceramides that this product produces. But remember, this is a higher percentage niacinamide so probably not the best choice if you’re just starting to introduce the ingredient into your routine.

Best for Nourishing

Glossier Super Pure

For a creamy, nourishing serum, try Glossier Super Pure ($35), which contains niacinamide and zinc. With the ideal 5% concentration, there’s no residual tackiness and we’ve been very impressed after using this product for a couple of weeks. After trying several other brands, we've found Super Pure is not only the most effective in helping to clear adult acne, but it's also fragrance-free, does not pill when layered with other products, and is one of the most affordable (effective) options.

Best to Minimize Trans Epidermal Water Loss

Alpha-H Vitamin B Serum

Alpha-H’s Vitamin B Serum ($59) also comes with 1% panthenol and so, like with Paula’s Choice, this product will minimize trans epidermal water loss. The concentration of niacinamide is also 5% in this product, so our preferred percentage. It’s extremely lightweight and it spreads very evenly so the application is very pleasant. If you’re not into scents or dyes in your skincare, however, this most likely won’t be the right product for you.

Addressing Concerns for First-Time Users:

Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure a positive and informed experience during the adjustment period.

1. Patch Testing:

Before integrating niacinamide into your routine, perform a patch test. Apply a small amount to a discreet area and observe for any adverse reactions over 24 to 48 hours.

2. Gradual Introduction:

Introduce niacinamide gradually. Start with lower concentrations and gradually increase frequency as your skin adjusts. This minimizes the risk of irritation.

3. Adjustment Period Expectations:

During the initial weeks, you may experience a transitional period. Your skin might need time to adapt to niacinamide. Be patient, and if concerns persist, consult with a skincare professional for personalized advice.

Combining Niacinamide with Other Skincare Ingredients:

Niacinamide is a versatile ingredient that can be seamlessly integrated into various skincare routines. When combining niacinamide with other popular ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, retinol, or peptides, it's essential to understand their synergies and potential interactions.

1. Hyaluronic Acid:

Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid make a powerful duo. While niacinamide works on regulating sebum production and reducing inflammation, hyaluronic acid hydrates and plumps the skin. Together, they contribute to a well-balanced and nourished complexion.

2. Retinol:

When used alongside retinol, niacinamide can mitigate potential irritation caused by retinol. Niacinamide's soothing properties help counteract the dryness and sensitivity often associated with retinol use, promoting a more comfortable experience.

3. Peptides:

Niacinamide's anti-inflammatory characteristics align well with the collagen-boosting effects of peptides. This combination supports the skin's natural renewal process, promoting firmness and elasticity.

Remember, introducing new ingredients gradually allows your skin to adjust. Consider patch testing when combining niacinamide with other skincare components to ensure compatibility.

Expert Tips for Different Skin Types:

Tailoring your niacinamide usage based on your skin type is key to maximizing its benefits. Whether you have oily, dry, sensitive, or mature skin, understanding how niacinamide interacts with specific skin concerns ensures a personalized and effective approach. Tailoring your niacinamide usage based on your skin type is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Here are expert tips for incorporating niacinamide into your skincare routine, depending on your specific skin needs.

1. Oily Skin:

If you have oily skin, opt for lighter formulations with niacinamide. Gel-based or water-based products can help regulate sebum production without causing excessive shine.

2. Dry Skin:

For dry skin, combine niacinamide with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides. This ensures a balance between oil control and sufficient moisture.

3. Sensitive Skin:

Choose niacinamide products with minimal additional irritants. Look for formulations free from fragrances and harsh chemicals to prevent potential sensitivity.

4. Mature Skin:

Niacinamide is beneficial for mature skin to address concerns like fine lines and wrinkles. Combine it with peptides and antioxidants for a comprehensive anti-aging approach.

In summary, niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that is used in skincare to reduce oil production, fight inflammation, and even out skin tone. We recommend products with concentrations ranging from 5-10%, so take some time to find the right formula for your skin type. Whether you're looking for an affordable serum or a luxurious moisturizer, there are plenty of great niacinamide options out there - all you have to do is find the one that works best for you. 

But More Importantly is the ultimate destination for finding the best cosmetics around. We take on the task of sifting through a vast array of options to find the most useful and expertly-recommended items that you can buy. Our team has recently scoured the market for everything from acne skin care to sunscreen, niacinamide creams, acids and exfoliants. Our links are regularly updated to ensure that you get the best deals available, so make sure to check back often for new suggestions!




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