The Perils of Prostaglandin: Understanding Lash Growth Serums

Women's Black Mascara



    I'm Caolan, your friendly neighborhood skincare expert, and I steer clear of lash growth serums for one major reason: the peril of developing Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy. It's a mouthful indeed!

    Let's unravel this. Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy arises from using lash serums containing prostaglandin analogs. Before diving into the downsides of these analogs, let's briefly understand their role in enhancing lash growth.

    The Science Behind Lash Growth

    Firstly, a bit about hair physiology. Human hairs, including eyelashes, undergo three phases: growth (anagen), resting (telogen), and transition (catagen). Prostaglandin analogs extend the anagen phase, essentially prolonging the period of hair growth. This results in visibly longer lashes and an apparent increase in lash count, though it's important to note that no new hair follicles are generated. Additionally, these analogs beef up the hair base (bulb), leading to thicker lashes, and boost melanin production, darkening the lashes.

    The Origin of Prostaglandin Analogues

    Interestingly, prostaglandin analogs were originally utilized in ophthalmology to treat glaucoma, a condition marked by increased eye pressure that can lead to vision loss. Some patients received eye drops containing these analogs to manage their condition. Eye doctors observed that patients being treated for glaucoma then experienced remarkable growth of their eyelashes. This discovery led to the development of lash serums containing prostaglandin analogs. The prospect of having longer, thicker, and darker eyelashes sounds appealing to almost anyone.

    Personally, I've tried lash growth serums with prostaglandin analogs, and they indeed transformed my lashes into something spectacular. They became noticeably longer and fuller, attracting compliments left and right. However, I had to discontinue use due to the emergence of prostaglandin-associated peri orbitopathy.

    Risks and Side Effects of Prostaglandin Associated Periorbitopathy

    This term encompasses various eye issues that may arise from prolonged use of prostaglandin analogs, whether in eye drops for glaucoma or in lash serums. These issues include drooping of the upper eyelid (known as upper eyelid ptosis) and shrinkage of the fat around the eyes, resulting in a hollow appearance. These changes not only impact appearance but can also affect vision.

    Prostaglandin analogs also affect the coloration of the tissues around the eyes, leading to increased blood vessel growth and darker eyelids. Moreover, they can induce pigment changes in the iris, potentially turning blue or green eyes brown. Research indicates that these changes occur in almost everyone using prostaglandin analog products, although the severity varies.

    Fortunately, prostaglandin-associated peri orbitopathy is reversible. Ceasing the use of prostaglandin analog products typically leads to significant improvement within four to six weeks. However, complete reversal may not occur for everyone.

    Personal factors such as eye anatomy and baseline pigmentation influence the extent of these side effects. For individuals like myself with deep-set eyes, minimal fat, and natural pigmentation, the risks outweigh the benefits. Nonetheless, there are instances where prescribing prostaglandin analogs is warranted, such as for patients with alopecia areata or those recovering from chemotherapy-induced hair loss.

    Alternatives to Prostaglandin Analogues

    Ultimately, the decision to use prostaglandin analog-containing products requires careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits. Exploring other options for lash growth, some individuals have reported success with serums containing peptides or botanical extracts, but their effectiveness isn’t supported by many studies. On the other hand, castor oil, often touted as a remedy for lash growth, primarily functions as a thick coating, offering temporary enhancement rather than actual growth stimulation.

    When examining the ingredient lists of lash serums, one key component to watch for is prostaglandin analogs, which are responsible for promoting lash growth. These compounds, though effective, might not always be explicitly labeled. Well-known lash growth serums like Latisse, New Lash, Revitalash, and Grande Lash often contain these ingredients, even if their ingredients list doesn’t use this exact term.

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    Caolan Hunter

    About the Author: Caolan

    With over a decade of international experience, Caolan's passion lies in simplifying the complex. Now, as the founder of But More Importantly, he applies these talents to the world of cosmetics, aiming to unmask marketing hype and provide readers with the truth about beauty products. His mission: to help you make informed choices and discover what truly enhances your beauty routine.

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