This 15-Minute Workout Will Reinvigorate Your Routine

Living an active lifestyle is essential for both physical and mental wellbeing. However, if you're short on time and finding it hard to fit in exercise into your busy day, look no further than this 15 minute solution.

This super-effective mini routine can easily be incorporated into any schedule with just a few small changes.

By taking fifteen minutes each morning or evening and dedicating them to fitness activities, you will reap the rewards of improved energy levels, better focus and boosted productivity.

Stretching: 5 mins

To kickstart your new routine, start by setting aside five minutes for stretching - making sure you pay attention to areas that are tight or sore from sitting or standing all day long. This gentle warm up will also help your muscles relax after a long day and will prevent injury when you move on to the main part of your exercise.

Example routine:
- Minute 1: Half saddle left
- Minute 2: Half saddle right
- Minute 3: Frog
- Minute 4: Sumo squat
- Minute 5: Down Dog

Strengthening: 5 mins

For the next five minutes, focus on strengthening exercises - whether that's bodyweight movements such as squats and burpees or using weights if you have them available. This is an important part of any fitness routine as it helps build a solid foundation of strength that can be used for other activities throughout the day. Since the pandemic, weights have become much easier to find and get delivered. We’re fans of this pair of 25lb rubber coated dumbbells. You can start off with one and work your way up to two as your get stronger.

Example workout:
3 rounds for time of
-12 air squats
-12 push-ups
-12 walking lunge steps (holding one or two weights if these seem too easy)

Cardio: 5 mins

Finally, take five minutes to do some cardio - whether that's jogging in place, jumping rope or running up and down stairs. This will get your heart rate up and give you an extra energy boost to carry through the rest of your day. You might remember jump ropes as being a bit heavy or cumbersome, but in recent years there’s been a surge in brands creating “speed” jump ropes, with lightweight handles and thin, strong ropes that mean you can focus on your cardio without your hands and wrists getting sore - plus they’re even easier to store. If you prefer to be equipment free, then we’d suggest a good ol’ 5 minute run around the block.

By taking just fifteen minutes each morning or evening to do these simple exercises, you can easily reinvent your routine and achieve the results you've been striving for. So why not give it a try today?

At But More Importantly, we believe that taking time out of your day to focus on your health and fitness is essential for personal wellbeing. We hope this 15-minute solution has given you the motivation needed to start incorporating exercise into your daily routine - and if you need any further advice or guidance, our team of experts are always available to help.

Good luck, and happy exercising!


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