The Essential Summer Nighttime Skincare Regime

Pipette with transparent essence and yellow flower on white surface

Welcome aboard, skincare aficionados! Do yourselves a favor - click on subscribe, follow us on Spotify, and like this article. On this laborious Monday, which honestly felt like the longest and most exhausting Monday ever, I invite you all to relax and unwind with me. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Caolan, a certified skin nerd and your coach on this journey to radiant skin. As we transition into a season of higher temperatures and increased humidity, our skincare routine needs to adapt accordingly. With the rise in humidity, our skin tends to produce more oil and become more sensitive, necessitating a reduction in moisture application and heightened skin protection. This also impacts how we use retinol and tretinoin during nighttime

Understanding Your Summer Nighttime Needs

Let's kickstart our evening regimen with a few important pills. Strap yourselves in, it's about to get interesting. As I approach my forties, I've noticed significant changes in my hair quality. Just like skincare, maintaining hair density requires a consistent approach. I personally swear by Nutrafol. The recommended dosage is four pills daily, but I prefer splitting it into two in the morning and two at night. Nutrafol is enriched with powerful antioxidants like curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, and tocotrienol extract. Backed by 28 clinical studies, curcumin has shown benefits in aiding cellular regeneration, which is crucial for hair growth. An extensive six-month trial found that 81% of the participants experienced increased hair thickness. Naturally, it caught my interest as I was determined not to continue my hair thinning ordeal.

Next in line after Nutrafol is Xyzal, another unsponsored product I vouch for. This little miracle worker helps me tackle puffiness and keeps my allergies at bay. Lastly, I use Flonase because it's allergy season. A neat trick I learned is to tilt your face down, close one nostril, and aim the spray towards the outer edge of the other nostril while using Flonase. This small adjustment has significantly improved the effectiveness of Flonase for me. Patience is key with Flonase - avoid the urge to blow your nose immediately after application, and let it do its job. If not, you're essentially blowing it out of your system and wasting your investment. So, my nighttime routine begins with a cleanser, followed by Nutrafol, Xyzal, and Flonase. 

Unveiling the Secrets to Radiant Summer Skin

After cleansing our face thoroughly, it's time to apply a serum. Since it's summer and my skin tends to be more oily and sensitive, I prefer a combination of salicylic acid (a BHA that's more oil-soluble) and a lighter AHA like mandelic acid. Mandelic acid, while the gentlest, still delivers the brightening effect we all crave, helping achieve an even skin tone, which I always say, is divinely good. For this purpose, I use Allies of Skin's Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum, which contains 11% mandelic acid and also includes salicylic and lactic acids. The serum also features nanopeptide-1, which curtails melanin production and helps balance out your skin tone. It incorporates Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5, known for slowing the aging process, and bakuchiol, a natural alternative to retinol with similar effects. After applying this serum, I've noticed decreased oiliness, particularly in my T-zone, forehead, nose, and chin. I also apply it on the back of my hands. The serum, once dried, leaves a slightly sticky residue but imparts a pleasing glow to the skin. If my skin feels overly sensitive, I dial down the use of mandelic acid or sometimes skip it altogether. On average, I exfoliate my skin two to three times a week during the night. If I'm spending time at the beach, I tend to keep the routine lighter. 

Next, I use The Dr. Idriss Hyper Serum to achieve the most even skin tone possible. From my experience, an even skin tone is the ultimate goal, as it offsets the appearance of any lines or wrinkles. Ingredients like Arbutin, licorice root, and niacinamide in the Major Fade line are specifically designed to address hyperpigmentation and discoloration. I simply love the brilliant glow that the combination of these two products provides.  

Deciphering the Role of Retinol in Summer Skincare

As we delve into the topic of retinol, remember that after cleansing, exfoliating, and brightening the skin, the decision to use retinol depends on understanding your skin's needs. If you're new to retinol, avoid using it on nights when you've exfoliated with a salicylic and mandelic acid blend. Always remember that all retinols are not equal. I would never suggest a prescription like Altreno for beginners. High-strength formulas might damage your skin, leaving you dissatisfied. Opt for a lower concentration over-the-counter retinol instead. These days, there are gentler alternatives to retinol, known as granactive retinoids. Consider using ELF Skin's Advanced Night Retinoid Serum, which contains 1% granactive retinoid, equivalent to 0.1% hydroxypinacolone retinoate. This mild formulation also contains 0.06% retinol and some antioxidants, and I like that it comes in a convenient pump bottle. Remember to apply just a pea-sized amount on your entire face, and avoid the eye area if you've got sensitive skin.

Here's an insider tip: don't ignore your neck. While we might use fewer thick moisturizers and lean towards less aggressive products during summer, the neck should always receive proper care. I recommend using Cetraben for the neck, applying it first to seal in hydration. Your neck will thank you for the extra moisture.

Finally, we'll cover the whole face, neck, and décolletage. I use Active Seal by Dr. Idriss, which contains a Vitamin C ester known as Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate. As it's not the active form of Vitamin C, I apply it twice a day to maximize benefits and provide my skin with an antioxidant boost overnight. Dr. Idriss products are crafted to cater to all skin types - be it oily, dry, combination, or normal. All you need to do is adjust the product layering to your specific needs. For oily skin types, a thin layer will do the job. If you have dry skin or reside in a dry climate, you might need to layer with a more substantial basic moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated.

On hot days, particularly when I take a shower at night, I've started using Sol de Janeiro Beija Flor Elastic Cream after my shower. Despite my skepticism towards their claims of plant-based collagen aiding in collagen production or the kakai oil being as effective as retinol, it undeniably contains Vitamin A, which nourishes the skin, and squalene, an excellent hydrator. I wish you could experience the scent and texture of this cream - it's absolutely luxurious! I apply it generously on my pasty, pale legs, which are in dire need of hydration after being overlooked during the winter. The aroma is gorgeous and not a single drop goes wasted.

That wraps up my summer skincare transition routine. I hope you found it useful. Enjoy your week and for those celebrating, have a fabulous Memorial Day! Remember to enjoy the sun responsibly and don't forget your sunscreen.

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